The Yeast of the Pharisees
Yeast is used as a metaphor for influence and growth, here for evil. Both Jews and Greeks used the gradual effects of leaven as a symbol for corruption. Some even believe that the leaven or yeast Jesus referred to in the statement above is actually a leavening agent that has been infested with harmful bacteria… (source: Either way, Jesus warns the disciples to be careful of this contaminant that causes corruption.
Be Careful of the Yeast of the Pharisees
The same warning stands for us today. We must be careful of what we allow in our hearts, because there are seeds of doubt, worry, fear and evil being spread at an alarming rate across the globe. We are called to hold fast to the truth. Hold on and guard our hearts. Not only hold on to it, but to fight against evil with it. To Destroy the works of darkness, with truth.
The Context
This statement comes from the story found in Mark 8:15-21. In summary, Jesus fed the four thousand using only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. When they were finished eating, there were seven baskets full of broken pieces of bread leftover. Afterward, the Pharisees came up to Jesus to test him, and asked for a sign… (kind of weird since there was just a miracle of feeding the four thousand!) Jesus, said Why do you ask for a sign?? No sign will be given to you.
The Disciples error
Then Jesus and the disciples got into the boat and headed to the other side. While in the boat, the disciples realized they forgot to bring some bread, and they only had one loaf in the boat with them. Jesus then warned them, “be careful” “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” The disciples were confused, they reasoned with one another “It’s because we didn’t bring any bread!” they said…
Jesus’ Response
Then Jesus basically said, No dummies you’re missing the point. I’ve been with you all this time, do you still not see? Do you still not understand what I’m saying to you? Or do you not remember what I just did with the five loaves for the five thousand, or the seven loaves for the four thousand? Did you not see me provide? And now your worried about not having bread???
Let’s Apply this to ourselves:
How often do we do the same thing? When Jesus has provided for us time and time again. Yet every time trouble comes our way we doubt His capability to provide for us. We needlessly fear and worry about these things which he tells us in scripture to not worry about. He say’s “the Father knows you have need of these things” “If he cares for the birds of the air, how much more will he care for you.”
Take away
Be encouraged today, let your spirit be at rest and your countenance be lifted within you, knowing the Father in Heaven cares for you. He see’s your need, and knows your troubles. You are not too far from his sight nor is his hand too short to reach you. Trust in Him. He will provide all of your needs. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. The Lord say’s to you today, I the Lord Jesus Christ will provide for you! Trust me. And -be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees- to him who has an ear let him hear. Amen.