Hands bound by chains reflecting the text through imagery: The Bondage of Sin or alternatively, how sin enslaves us.
Bondage of Sin in the Pharisees
Scripture says, “Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.” And when Jesus told this to the Pharisees they responded, “We are Abraham’s descendants, We have never been in bondage to anyone.” -Yet we know from scripture, the enemy had twisted their doctrine and beliefs through many years changing one thing at a time, generation after generation. This left them slaves to their sin, controlled by stubbornness, envy, pride and complacency. All the while, in their own eyes, they were committed to God.
Oh, if they had only known it was their long awaited Messiah that they were angry with and fighting against!
We see this story and ask ourselves, how can these people be so dumb? They were teachers of the law, memorized scripture and prophecy, yet didn’t recognize its fulfillment right before their eyes! We look at their statement, “We have never been in bondage to anyone.” and shake our heads thinking, what fools! They were in bondage by their sin, and had no idea!
Bondage of Sin in our lives
But many times we are the fools, in bondage to our own sin. Jesus said to them, “Whoever commits sin, is a slave of sin” Many of us are addicted to sin, and when we identify ourselves or who we are by our sin, we can know we are not free. If we say things like, “oh that’s just who I am, I can’t change that”…. “I’m not addicted (but you can’t stop your sin)… “Its just how I was raised”… “It’s just _______, Its not like I’m a murderer”… “It’s not that bad”… “There are worse sins” … “I’m not a bad person, I just ________”. Sin is sin. If you find yourself saying or thinking any of the statements above, I would suggest you pray about it and ask Pastor for guidance.
Do not embrace your sin, don’t let the enemy lie to you and enslave you to those words anymore. No matter the “type” of sin, it has destructive properties. It is meant to steal, kill, and destroy something, someone, or some part of your life. Is that sin/addiction worth it? Is it worth the pain and heartbreak it will cause you and your loved ones? You may say, oh this doesn’t cause trouble for anyone. But I assure you, if it is a sin, it is absolutely causing destruction, and you are fooled by the enemy just as the Pharisees were. The enemy is smooth and a crafty illusionist. Be careful.
Freedom from Sin
Although sin enslaves us, true freedom is found in Christ alone. Sin deceives by promising freedom when all it does is control and corrupt us. Those who don’t have faith in Christ are bound by sin, and subject not only to slavery, but to spiritual death. Those who find Christ, the one and only source of spiritual truth, will be truly set free. Many of us are being held back from experiencing true happiness, joy and peace because of the sin that is thriving in our lives. It is time to cut if off and get it out.
John 8:31 says, “If you abide in my word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
3 Steps to activate your Freedom
Remember, Scripture says in James 2:19-20 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, o foolish man, that faith without works is dead! False faith is one which results in no good works. The works do not save us, and there is no sense in which James requires works for salvation. But he points out that even demons have a sort of “faith” by believing that God exists. Faith which saves is faith which results in action.
If you would like to be set free from the bondage of your sin, apply the following:
- Believe in God
- Serve Him
- Put your Faith into action. (When you read your scripture, actively apply it to your life.)
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Take a moment today. Pray to the Lord asking for Him to reveal to you any hidden sin in your life and the destruction it causes. Then examine your life, your speech, your actions, your habits, your likes, your dislikes, the things you enjoy. Do they line up with God’s will? Would He be pleased in all these areas of your life? God has given us all gifts, talents, and abilities, are we using them to glorify God? Are we Abiding in His word to learn from Him? What are we doing in Service to our Lord? Are we putting our faith into action? Are we applying Scripture to our daily life?
Prayerfully meditate on these questions today.
May the Lord lead and guide us into daily living that glorify Him. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!
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