Don’t you ever just wish God would tell us plainly what the heck we are supposed to be doing down here!? I do! I mean I’m in dire need of God’s instruction sometimes. Sometimes, life can just get so darn confusing. On Sunday, dad used this scripture in the opening of his sermon:
1 Tim 3:14-16 I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And well, this is a good start. Lets look into that scripture more.
A closer look
Who is he writing to? The church of the living God –that’s us! (and them, during their time). This book was written specifically to his younger coworker (within the church). What was the purpose of this letter? That you may know how you ought to conduct yourself. It was written as instruction on how to live out his faith. (and how we should live out ours!)
The function of the Church
In that scripture, the function of the church is its calling to be the pillar and ground of the truth. We are the church, we have a responsibility to uphold. Here we are called the pillar and ground of the truth. If it is your job uphold, (pillar) and defend/make sure, secure and stable (ground) the truth found in Scripture, are you equipped to do so? If not, we need to put a plan into place to get us there. A part of that plan should be to resist the pressures of anything which tries to take us away from the Lord, and the truth found in His Word.
In this letter of 1 Timothy Paul writes with concern about false teaching and the harmful effects it has on the church. I mean, if we are called to uphold, defend and give a sturdy foundation to build upon (spiritually) then there must be something we need to be upholding from, defending and standing firm against. In Hebrews 10:23 it says, hold fast, without wavering. What could cause us to waver? Well, many things, but in the letter to Timothy Paul discusses much about false teaching. We can see that the distortion of truth that is happening today is bringing about false teaching that we must stand against.
Be watchful
The very word truth is being twisted and distorted to mean “relative to your thinking or your own way of doing things” “you do you” “this is my truth” rather than an absolute truth like 1+1=2, unchangeable no matter ones opinion. Another example being, XY chromosomes are female and XX chromosomes are male. This is an unchangeable fact, yet it is being professed as something relative or changeable. –This specific example of extreme distortion of truth is infiltrating churches around the world right now, around the world and right here in America. Believe it. It’s happening. We must be watchful of what is happening all around us so that we can stand firm on the truth.
Be watchful. Endure affliction.
Paul wrote to Timothy in his instructions 1 Tim 1:3-7 I urge you, that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrines nor give heed to fables which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. Another version says this: I advised you to stay in Ephesus. Well, I haven’t changed my mind. Stay right there on top of things so that the teaching stays on track. Apparently, some people have been introducing fantasy stories and fanciful family trees that digress into silliness instead of pulling the people back into the center, deepening faith and obedience.
Paul told him to stay right there and fix what was going wrong in that church. They were being taught things that pulled them away from the center of the gospel. They were being led astray into things that didn’t deepen their faith or obedience in Christ. Timothy was called and appointed to stay there and bring correction. Not to leave them to their own demise. We must be careful to keep ourselves centered on Christ and the truth of His word. We too are called to stand for truth, just as Timothy. It didn’t matter what others might say or do, he was told to stay put, and keep working. But keep in mind Timothy was taught and instructed by a Spirit led and God appointed man. We too should put ourselves under the teachings of those like Paul. No matter where we are or what’s going on around us, we need to be watchful and endure any affliction that may arise because of our adherence to the truth found in God’s word.
We’re up against, Demonic illusions and professional Liars
1 Tim 4:1-4 Now the Spirit expressly says; that in latter times, some will depart from the faith, they will give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron. Check out his version: vs. 1-4 (MSG) The Spirit makes it clear that as time goes on, some are going to give up on the faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. These liars have lied so well and for so long that they’ve lost their capacity for truth. -for fun, you can read the rest of that… it gets better, but for now I want to point out the part that says, give up on faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. To quote my very good friend “Now, if that don’t hit the nail on the head!” How accurately that statement describes our times is frightening.
Know the truth
Yes, we must be alert, and aware of those professional liars around us. We must become professionals ourselves… This is a great example: On our currency, there are certain marks and designs on our dollars. There are professionals who have studied our bills thoroughly. When something looks similar yet is called into question, these professionals are called upon to know the difference between the real and the counterfeit. Here is a quote from, well I have no idea who, but it’s great: “Federal agents don’t learn to spot counterfeit money by studying the counterfeits. They study genuine bills until they master the look of the real thing. Then when they see the bogus money they recognize it.”
We as the church should study to show ourselves approved. If we study the real, genine thing thoroughly, when the “bogus” or lies of the enemy try to creep in, we will recognize it! We are charged to do so! It is apart of being a Christian! We have a responsibility to uphold. A truth to guard. 2 Tim 1:14 says, Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. We must know it, so we can hold on to it, then we can guard it!
Be watchful. Endure affliction. Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry
Paul also wrote this letter to give an example of a proper standard of right doctrine and how our beliefs affect our life. When our lives line up with right doctrine it results in proper living. We can’t fulfill our ministry (or even have an effective ministry) if our lives do not reflect God’s word. Simply put in Dad’s words, “We do what we do, because we believe what we believe” When our beliefs line up with the word of God it results in proper living. Proper living promotes a healthy effective ministry.
2 tim 4:2-5 says, Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. I’ve got to stop right here, because we think… why the heck would I want to keep preaching the word, and being ready in and out of season when they aren’t going to listen!!??
Let’s keep reading…
5 But YOU be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. So Why should we keep on keeping on?? Easy, because God said so. He has given us the instruction that we are seeking. He say’s no matter what is going on in the world around you, You stick to the truth found in my word and do not be fooled by the enemy’s schemes. Remember the beginning of this message, Don’t you ever just wish God would tell us plainly what the heck we are supposed to be doing down here!? Welp, he has, all we have to do is read His word and be obedient.
Remember, right believing results in proper living. Ask yourself today, is your life, your actions your habits, your every day life in line with the word of God? Of course we are all not perfect, but know the difference in what we practice and what is a mistake. Whatever we practice we master. Make sure you’re practicing the right things. Know that the world has professional liars who are putting on demonic illusions to destroy the body of Christ. Know that we (the church) are called, chosen and appointed to uphold, stand firm and defend the truth of scripture even when it means we will be afflicted. God’s word always stirred up conflict. Don’t be afraid. He is with you. Stand strong Army of God. Matthew 16:18-19 says, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. AMEN