Why are you so afraid?

Why Are You So Afraid?

When I read those words, I knew Jesus was asking me, just as he asked his disciples all those years ago.. My insides became tense all over and I was flooded with emotions. Thankful for correction, sorry for my mistake, loved by His presence, yet disheartened by my worry and fear. I didn’t believe Him at His word, like I had let Him down, yet I know I could never let Him down. 
All these feelings came from reading a simple story found in Mark 4…. 

Mark 4 Jesus calms the storm.

Click Here to read Mark chapter 4. Or if your familiar with the story, just read on. Some important details to remember are as follows.
Jesus spoke to many in parables so that only some will understand. 

Vs. 34 He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when  he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

As mentioned in verse 34, … when He was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. I love that. Here we can see that it is in the alone time with Jesus where we will have the hard things explained to us. Many times we read and we ask God for understanding and wisdom of the scriptures but we have to discipline ourselves to spending alone time with Him. If we do, he will explain everything.  

Next, we see Jesus go into the boat with the disciples. He says, come, vs. 35 “Let us go to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. Here, they left the crowd behind them, on their journey to “the other side”. I find we often need to leave the crowd behind us, get Jesus in our “boat” and head over to “the other side”.  

The Other Side

When we leave the crowd get alone with Jesus and head over to the other side, there we will find revelation, inspiration, divine purpose and our calling. The Other side is what we were created to do. Ask yourself, do you know you were created for a purpose? Scripture says you are. God has called you and is continually calling you to come closer with him to “the other side” He longs for one on one time with you so that He can develop you into the person he has created you to become. Don’t fight the process. Get in the boat and head on over!

Suddenly a furious squall came up…

As the disciples got into the boat with Jesus, and began their journey to “the other side” a furious squall came up.. A storm arose, and waves were crashing their boat. In life, we journey though storms here and there and we always feel like the disciples did. “Do you even care if we die?” The storm in this story is proof that even when we are with Jesus, even when we have Jesus “in our boat” troubles come. And just as these disciples did, when our troubles come we often run to Jesus and say… Father!! Father!! Don’t you see what’s happening around me??!! Take notice! Pay attention! Hey! I have some trouble down here!! Hey, where are you? Help me!!!! completely forgetting that Jesus is “in our boat” we frantically run to him distraught and fearful of the storms raging and waves crashing into our boat. 

Why Are You So Afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Having Jesus in our boat, we must remember, he has the power to still any storm and calm any raging sea. In our worry and in our doubt we run to Jesus and He simply asks us just as He asked His disciples then,  vs. 40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

He spoke straight to my heart

This is when it happened, I read those words, and as mentioned above… I could feel all my insides tense with urgency. I knew God was asking me, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? A little embarrassed, a little disheartened and sorrowful, I simply apologized for my worry and fear. Thankful for His faithful love and compassion, I reassured myself… Don’t be Afraid. Have Faith. 

He asks you too: Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Many times, we find ourselves in these situations, and God says to us just as He did the disciples…
After all we have been through together, do you really think I don’t see you?
Do you really think you are alone? Or Do you really think I have left you to die in this “boat”?
He responds in all confidence:  Absolutely not. Have faith.

Don’t be afraid. Have Faith.

We can then wonder… If he asked them, “why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Then wouldn’t that mean he expected his disciples to not be fearful in the midst of the storm. He expected his disciples to have faith in him, no matter what storm raged around them. 

They (and We too!) should have faith in Jesus that he can make the impossible possible just as he had done before their eyes time and time again. 

Remember today, Have faith enough in Jesus that when the storms come in our lives we will not be afraid but we will put our hope and trust in Him. Have Faith.  


The Sons of God

Picture of a Bible

The Revealing of The Sons of God

Scripture speaks of a time when The Sons of God will be revealed. Meaning there are some who seem to be God’s but the time of revealing will uncover whose they truly are. (For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.) NLT Romans 8 And Romans 8:14-15 tells us about these Sons of God: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Revealing to us that those who are called Son’s of God are “led by the Spirit of God”. Amazing!



The Lord is seeking those who are truly His. Who put their priorities in order and place Him first above all else. He says in John 4:23-24 The hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth. Are we true worshipers?

The transformation Process can be uncomfortable

Although times may seem strange, uncomfortable or just down right rough, its good to remember the gift of salvation God has given us. And keep in mind, God is molding and making you and I into the people He desires us to be. He has a bigger plan, He has an eternity in mind for you and I. Maybe, just maybe the uncomfortable times, are a time for growth. Maybe things are happening just so, so that you and I can put our faith into action, building it and strengthening it. Remember, scripture says, trials produce patience, and we need to let that patience have its perfect work…

Will we surrender ourselves to the change God has in mind for us? Or will we fight it and resist it? Will we hold on to safety, security, comfortable and easy? Or will we accept this new stage we are approaching as a time to strengthen of our Faith.


It will be Revealed

In 1 Cor 3:10-15 it says, But let each one take heed how he builds on it for no other foundation can anyone lay that that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
-Meaning, if we have built our lives on the truth of God, it is sure, it is tried and true, we will endure. If we haven’t really stood on the truth of God, but have been leaning on other things for strength, “the Day” will declare it, it will be revealed. Those who are really Sons of God, will be revealed.


You are Able

Have Faith. Don’t think You are not able or cannot handle what God has placed before you. In Luke 8:10 He said, to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand. So God gives those that are His, the ability to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Trust Him, ask Him, seek Him, spend time alone with Him and he will explain everything.


A time is coming, and now is… when we will see the revealing of the sons of God. Will we be among them?


Are you a Child of God?

If you aren’t sure of where you stand, if you aren’t sure if you are really a “Son of God” Please know, scripture says speaking of Jesus, “No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6 It is only because of Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross that we have access to eternal life, and can be called “Sons of God”. Scripture says, we must confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord, to be saved. If you believe in Jesus and can confess with your mouth, you can begin your journey with Jesus, and I encourage you to dig into the Word of God- the Bible to find out the promises he has for you. Remember, we cannot achieve access to His Kingdom by any great acts on our part, it was and is a free gift from God for those who believe in Him.

Stay focused


For some of us, too often our worries, fears, concerns and business of life often over shadow this amazing gift. So also, does everyday living -working to earn a living, to build up wealth and prosperity to be comfortable here on earth. But the Bible tells us not to build up for ourselves treasures on earth. Basically, for us to remember what’s most important. Rust and moth will destroy all of the earthly things we achieve… But our Souls are forever and wherever they end up -will be forever. So lets be reminded today to keep our priorities in line. Stay focused and press on toward the prize that awaits us in eternity and the opportunity to be counted as one of those revealed as “The Sons of God”.


Be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees

The Yeast of the Pharisees

Yeast is used as a metaphor for influence and growth, here for evil. Both Jews and Greeks used the gradual effects of leaven as a symbol for corruption. Some even believe that the leaven or yeast Jesus referred to in the statement above is actually a leavening agent that has been infested with harmful bacteria… (source: Bibleref.com) Either way, Jesus warns the disciples to be careful of this contaminant that causes corruption.  

Be Careful of the Yeast of the Pharisees

The same warning stands for us today. We must be careful of what we allow in our hearts, because there are seeds of doubt, worry, fear and evil being spread at an alarming rate across the globe. We are called to hold fast to the truth. Hold on and guard our hearts. Not only hold on to it, but to fight against evil with it. To Destroy the works of darkness, with truth. 

The Context

This statement comes from the story found in Mark 8:15-21. In summary, Jesus fed the four thousand using only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. When they were finished eating, there were seven baskets full of broken pieces of bread leftover. Afterward, the Pharisees came up to Jesus to test him, and asked for a sign… (kind of weird since there was just a miracle of feeding the four thousand!) Jesus, said Why do you ask for a sign?? No sign will be given to you.

The Disciples error

Then Jesus and the disciples got into the boat and headed to the other side. While in the boat, the disciples realized they forgot to bring some bread, and they only had one loaf in the boat with them. Jesus then warned them, “be careful” “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” The disciples were confused, they reasoned with one another “It’s because we didn’t bring any bread!” they said…

Jesus’ Response

Then Jesus basically said, No dummies you’re missing the point. I’ve been with you all this time, do you still not see? Do you still not understand what I’m saying to you? Or do you not remember what I just did with the five loaves for the five thousand, or the seven loaves for the four thousand? Did you not see me provide? And now your worried about not having bread???

Let’s Apply this to ourselves:

How often do we do the same thing? When Jesus has provided for us time and time again. Yet every time trouble comes our way we doubt His capability to provide for us. We needlessly fear and worry about these things which he tells us in scripture to not worry about. He say’s “the Father knows you have need of these things” “If he cares for the birds of the air, how much more will he care for you.”

Take away

Be encouraged today, let your spirit be at rest and your countenance be lifted within you, knowing the Father in Heaven cares for you. He see’s your need, and knows your troubles. You are not too far from his sight nor is his hand too short to reach you. Trust in Him. He will provide all of your needs. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. The Lord say’s to you today, I the Lord Jesus Christ will provide for you! Trust me. And -be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees- to him who has an ear let him hear. Amen.


Honey in the Carcass

Honey in the Carcass

Sunday’s Review

Sunday’s sermon was a good one! Johnson brought to us a question and a challenge; to look into our lives and ask ourselves, “Is there something that I am actively participating in, that will ultimately cause destruction in my life?” “Do I indulge in anything that may not be pleasing to God?

Samson, Honey in the Carcass

In the story of Samson, he was set apart by God. Even while he was in the womb God had given his mother instructions not to partake in alcohol while pregnant with Him. God set him apart as a Nazarite.

Nazarite Vow

Numbers 6:3-7 tells us that one who is set apart as a Nazarite was to abstain from wine or any fermented drink, nor was the Nazirite to drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins, not even the seeds or skins. Next, the Nazarite was not to cut his hair. Last, he was not to go near a dead body, because that would make him ceremonially unclean.

Sin gives birth to death

Samson didn’t follow any of the rules that God gave Him. Planted into his life, were seeds of sin. Those seeds of sin would later birth destruction. Johnson used one part of the Samson story in particular as an example for us all. We know as mentioned above, that Samson being a Nazarite wasn’t supposed to go near a corpse. However, Samson not only went near one, but he went up to a dead lion’s corpse and saw a honey bee’s nest. He then decided to take a handful of honey out of the corpse and have a snack.
**Side note** He even took some home to his parents to enjoy as well… Mmmm Honey out of a corpse….
-ummmmm, if my son ever!!!! …. YUCK!**

Are we dipping our hands in the honey in the carcass?

However disgusting this may sound, we can apply this same act to us today. Johnson asked us Sunday, “What are we dipping our hands into that we shouldn’t? What sin are we enjoying the tasty delights of? What are we doing that is displeasing to the Lord, yet we are enjoying?” Remember, scripture says there is fun in sin but only for a season. Soon it will conceive within us- just as it did for Samson, death and destruction.

The Lord gives us warning and brings attention to things in our lives to save us from the trouble that is to come. The wages of sin is death. Read that again. Sin unchecked, brings forth death. The death of eternal separation from God.

Sin gives birth to death

The Bible explains it this way in James 1:14-15  …each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death. The process starts by an enticing and drawing away by our own evil desires. James illustrates sin to us poetically and symbolically as:
An implantation (temptation and enticing by our evil desires)
A conceiving (the decision to act on our evil desire)
Then a birth (the act of Sinning)..
Birth fully grown ( the process of nurturing, allowing Sin to grow)
The final result is death (eternal separation from God).

Are we dipping our hands in the honey in the carcass?

Let us consider our routines, habits, indulgences. Is there anything we are hiding? Are we holding onto anything that is not pleasing to God? Pray to Him today to reveal anything that is birthing destruction into our lives, so that we may correct it and live lives free from the destruction of Sin.

Let’s Pray:

Thank You Lord, for your correction. For your mercy that you would stop me in my tracks and bring correction to my path. Thank You for your grace, that you have covered all my sins. For your love that you would leave the 99 and reach out to me, a sinner, and desire to bring me into your flock. Thank You for never giving up on me. Lord, open my eyes to see if there is any wicked way in me. Bring me into full submission to Your Word. Give me direction as to how to correct my path and wisdom on how to implement new habits that bring me closer to You.
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.



Eternal Perspective

Light from above, bright sun, blue sky and clouds


On Sunday, Dad spoke about having an eternal perspective. Being mindful of the Spirit, mindful of eternity rather than being earthly minded and focused on the here and now. The truth is, it takes discipline to keep our thoughts on what is above and not on what is beneath (Col 3:1-4) Once we make it a habit, of course it becomes easier, just like anything else. You discipline yourself to wake up every morning and do some light stretching, soon, you don’t think twice about it… you just do it. It’s normal. That’s where we need to get with keeping our minds on Christ. Where it’s a habit. Changing our perspective from what is important to achieve success and happiness on the Earth; to, what is important to gain access to an Eternal life in Heaven and not hell. Matt 6:19-21 says, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth or rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

We tend to want to build our own little kingdoms here on earth

This Earth is not our home, it is fleeting and will pass away. The more we ignore the fact that there is an eternal life (heaven or hell), the easier it becomes to fulfill the lust of the flesh and gather for ourselves treasures here on earth. We tend to want to build our own little kingdoms to enjoy here on earth.

But the truth is that the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Everything earthly thing we work for in life, will burn away. Every thing we hold dear will be dissolved. Scripture goes on to say, Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. (2 Peter 3:10-13)

In this scripture, greater importance is placed upon work that is done to affect Eternal lives –ours, and others around us. That scripture said we ought to be doing 3 things.

We ought to

1 be living a life that is going to please our Father in heaven and as a result we will become a light to all we encounter.
2 Keeping our thoughts (looking forward) onto His glorious coming, eyes, ears, and thoughts awaiting His arrival.
3 Work towards speeding it’s coming, by telling the world about Jesus and give them all an opportunity to hear of His gospel.

Looking forward to His coming

The second one: Looking forward to His arrival.. Think about when your waiting on someone important to arrive. Generally, you have prepared yourself and everything needed for this meeting. Your just looking, waiting for the attendee. Oh, I heard something *looks out the window* was that them? No, okay let me see is there anything else I need to do… prepare a little more, clean a little more, fix myself up a little more.. Looking, listening for a sign of their coming…

That’s what we should be doing as Christians.

Misplaced value

We tend to put misplaced value on things in our lives rather than looking forward to His coming. And by doing this our eyes naturally come off of the Eternal, spiritual realm and onto the Earthly one. When we do all three of these things, listed above. (for time I will not go into each one, but we should all take a moment to really ponder each one!!) When we life our lives as God intends we will become a light to those around us. We will tell them and share with them the good news of Christ as He intended.

Having an Eternal Perspective

Having an eternal perspective can change the way we life our lives. It will make us hold our relationships with greater importance and as a result, treat them better and actually be the light we were called to be. We began with Matt 6:19-20 but to finish up, let’s read verse 21 it says, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. To help us keep an eternal perspective, we need to make Eternal life with Christ and the word of God our treasure and then He will become apart of our hearts and everything we do will be out of a result of the eternal life in our hearts. AMEN!



Be watchful

Don’t you ever just wish God would tell us plainly what the heck we are supposed to be doing down here!? I do! I mean I’m in dire need of God’s instruction sometimes. Sometimes, life can just get so darn confusing. On Sunday, dad used this scripture in the opening of his sermon:
1 Tim 3:14-16 I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And well, this is a good start. Lets look into that scripture more.

A closer look

Who is he writing to? The church of the living God –that’s us! (and them, during their time). This book was written specifically to his younger coworker (within the church). What was the purpose of this letter? That you may know how you ought to conduct yourself. It was written as instruction on how to live out his faith. (and how we should live out ours!)

The function of the Church

In that scripture, the function of the church is its calling to be the pillar and ground of the truth. We are the church, we have a responsibility to uphold. Here we are called the pillar and ground of the truth. If it is your job uphold, (pillar) and defend/make sure, secure and stable (ground) the truth found in Scripture, are you equipped to do so? If not, we need to put a plan into place to get us there. A part of that plan should be to resist the pressures of anything which tries to take us away from the Lord, and the truth found in His Word.

In this letter of 1 Timothy Paul writes with concern about false teaching and the harmful effects it has on the church.  I mean, if we are called to uphold, defend and give a sturdy foundation to build upon (spiritually) then there must be something we need to be upholding from, defending and standing firm against. In Hebrews 10:23 it says, hold fast, without wavering. What could cause us to waver? Well, many things, but in the letter to Timothy Paul discusses much about false teaching. We can see that the distortion of truth that is happening today is bringing about false teaching that we must stand against. 

Be watchful

The very word truth is being twisted and distorted to mean “relative to your thinking or your own way of doing things”  “you do you” “this is my truth” rather than an absolute truth like 1+1=2, unchangeable no matter ones opinion. Another example being, XY chromosomes are female and XX chromosomes are male. This is an unchangeable fact, yet it is being professed as something relative or changeable. –This specific example of extreme distortion of truth is infiltrating churches around the world right now, around the world and right here in America. Believe it. It’s happening. We must be watchful of what is happening all around us so that we can stand firm on the truth.

Be watchful. Endure affliction.

Paul wrote to Timothy in his instructions 1 Tim 1:3-7 I urge you, that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrines nor give heed to fables which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. Another version says this: I advised you to stay in Ephesus. Well, I haven’t changed my mind. Stay right there on top of things so that the teaching stays on track. Apparently, some people have been introducing fantasy stories and fanciful family trees that digress into silliness instead of pulling the people back into the center, deepening faith and obedience.
Paul told him to stay right there and fix what was going wrong in that church. They were being taught things that pulled them away from the center of the gospel. They were being led astray into things that didn’t deepen their faith or obedience in Christ. Timothy was called and appointed to stay there and bring correction. Not to leave them to their own demise. We must be careful to keep ourselves centered on Christ and the truth of His word. We too are called to stand for truth, just as Timothy. It didn’t matter what others might say or do, he was told to stay put, and keep working. But keep in mind Timothy was taught and instructed by a Spirit led and God appointed man. We too should put ourselves under the teachings of those like Paul. No matter where we are or what’s going on around us, we need to be watchful and endure any affliction that may arise because of our adherence to the truth found in God’s word. 

We’re up against, Demonic illusions and professional Liars

1 Tim 4:1-4 Now the Spirit expressly says; that in latter times, some will depart from the faith, they will give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron. Check out his version: vs. 1-4 (MSG) The Spirit makes it clear that as time goes on, some are going to give up on the faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. These liars have lied so well and for so long that they’ve lost their capacity for truth. -for fun, you can read the rest of that… it gets better, but for now I want to point out the part that says, give up on faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. To quote my very good friend “Now, if that don’t hit the nail on the head!” How accurately that statement describes our times is frightening. 

Know the truth

Yes, we must be alert, and aware of those professional liars around us. We must become professionals ourselves… This is a great example: On our currency, there are certain marks and designs on our dollars. There are professionals who have studied our bills thoroughly. When something looks similar yet is called into question, these professionals are called upon to know the difference between the real and the counterfeit. Here is a quote from, well I have no idea who, but it’s great: “Federal agents don’t learn to spot counterfeit money by studying the counterfeits. They study genuine bills until they master the look of the real thing. Then when they see the bogus money they recognize it.” 

We as the church should study to show ourselves approved. If we study the real, genine thing thoroughly, when the “bogus” or lies of the enemy try to creep in, we will recognize it! We are charged to do so! It is apart of being a Christian! We have a responsibility to uphold. A truth to guard. 2 Tim 1:14 says, Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. We must know it, so we can hold on to it, then we can guard it!   

Be watchful. Endure affliction. Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry

Paul also wrote this letter to give an example of a proper standard of right doctrine and how our beliefs affect our life. When our lives line up with right doctrine it results in proper living. We can’t fulfill our ministry (or even have an effective ministry) if our lives do not reflect God’s word. Simply put in Dad’s words, “We do what we do, because we believe what we believe” When our beliefs line up with the word of God it results in proper living. Proper living promotes a healthy effective ministry.
2 tim 4:2-5 says, Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. I’ve got to stop right here, because we think… why the heck would I want to keep preaching the word, and being ready in and out of season when they aren’t going to listen!!??

Let’s keep reading…

5 But YOU be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. So Why should we keep on keeping on?? Easy, because God said so. He has given us the instruction that we are seeking. He say’s no matter what is going on in the world around you, You stick to the truth found in my word and do not be fooled by the enemy’s schemes. Remember the beginning of this message, Don’t you ever just wish God would tell us plainly what the heck we are supposed to be doing down here!? Welp, he has, all we have to do is read His word and be obedient. 


Remember, right believing results in proper living. Ask yourself today, is your life, your actions your habits, your every day life in line with the word of God? Of course we are all not perfect, but know the difference in what we practice and what is a mistake. Whatever we practice we master. Make sure you’re practicing the right things. Know that the world has professional liars who are putting on demonic illusions to destroy the body of Christ. Know that we (the church) are called, chosen and appointed to uphold, stand firm and defend the truth of scripture even when it means we will be afflicted. God’s word always stirred up conflict. Don’t be afraid. He is with you. Stand strong Army of God. Matthew 16:18-19 says, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. AMEN


Guard Your Heart

Guarding our Heart

During a time of preparation for our recent Youth Summer Camp, one of the day’s discussions was about “Guard your Heart”. This message struck my heart and stirred the spirit within me. Throughout these days with our youth, I stressed to them (as much as I could) about being careful about what we are watching and leaving ourselves vulnerable to. Even the smallest of sins can grow and cause much destruction.

The same applies to us as adults. We must guard our hearts more and more. With a determination to go undetected the enemy weaves his way into our lives more and more as each day passes. He works with a strategic plan and purpose to draw all potential Christians away from Christ. Keeping them (or us) busy and comfortable with the things of this world, leaving them (us) inactive and unproductive with the things of the Spirit.

Demonic Influence spreads like a Disease

On Sunday, dad mentioned how the devil and his demons have influenced and are influencing so many. He related the spread of this influence to an infection. Just as a disease spreads and takes over its host, so too does the enemy’s destruction. He starts small and takes more and more of its “host” until it’s rendered useless for the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 24:11-12 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. We see here that we must even be cautious of those who call themselves prophets. We see lawlessness abounding, and people growing cold. Why? Because the Demonic “infection” or influence, is (and has been since Adam and Eve) spreading like a disease. throughout the world.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Dad mentioned on Sunday that CDC stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And isn’t that what we should be as a church? (in reference to sin and the devil spreading like a disease) Isn’t that an awesome thought? If we as Christians were standing guard on our appointed posts not allowing the spread to continue, and preventing the disease (spread of sin and evil) to even begin in the first place!
We all have allowed the enemy, by his deception, to influence our lives in one way or another. We have all let down our guards on our appointed posts and the enemy has snuck in and his disease runs rampant. All the while, we sit back and watch our blessings deteriorate right before our eyes feeling helpless and scared.

How do we Stand Guard and Guard our Heart?

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.

So we must stand up, guard our posts. Be careful, be watchful and be wise, we must not allow ourselves to be deceived. We must not compromise our beliefs for anyone.

How do we stand guard? How do we fight our fight? The Bible is written for those who are in search of a Christian life and full of Godly wisdom and instruction. Are we pursuing a godly life? If not, what are we pursuing? Are we seeking God for instruction? What kind of life are we truly searching for? Are we building our relationship with Jesus so we can easily hear from Him?

Submit to God and Resist the Devil

James 4:7-8 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Proverbs 4:23- Guard your hearts, above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong

Today, we are reminded to be careful, watchful, prayerfully examine our lives and guard our heart from evil. A reminder to not allow the “infection” of sin and evil to spread in our lives. Some of us are today, being made aware that we have abandoned our posts, and the enemy is within our gates. What will we do about it?

Seek God for wisdom. Draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Be strong, be on guard, don’t back down. Fight the good fight of faith until the end. He who endures will receive the reward! The Victory is ours to be won. But we have to get in the fight.


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Bondage of Sin


Hands bound by chains reflecting the text through imagery: The Bondage of Sin or alternatively, how sin enslaves us.

Bondage of Sin in the Pharisees

Scripture says, “Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.” And when Jesus told this to the Pharisees they responded, “We are Abraham’s descendants, We have never been in bondage to anyone.” -Yet we know from scripture, the enemy had twisted their doctrine and beliefs through many years changing one thing at a time, generation after generation. This left them slaves to their sin, controlled by stubbornness, envy, pride and complacency. All the while, in their own eyes, they were committed to God.
Oh, if they had only known it was their long awaited Messiah that they were angry with and fighting against!
We see this story and ask ourselves, how can these people be so dumb? They were teachers of the law, memorized scripture and prophecy, yet didn’t recognize its fulfillment right before their eyes! We look at their statement, “We have never been in bondage to anyone.” and shake our heads thinking, what fools! They were in bondage by their sin, and had no idea!

Bondage of Sin in our lives

But many times we are the fools, in bondage to our own sin. Jesus said to them, “Whoever commits sin, is a slave of sin” Many of us are addicted to sin, and when we identify ourselves or who we are by our sin, we can know we are not free. If we say things like, “oh that’s just who I am, I can’t change that”…. “I’m not addicted (but you can’t stop your sin)… “Its just how I was raised”… “It’s just _______, Its not like I’m a murderer”… “It’s not that bad”… “There are worse sins” … “I’m not a bad person, I just ________”. Sin is sin. If you find yourself saying or thinking any of the statements above, I would suggest you pray about it and ask Pastor for guidance.
Do not embrace your sin, don’t let the enemy lie to you and enslave you to those words anymore. No matter the “type” of sin, it has destructive properties. It is meant to steal, kill, and destroy something, someone, or some part of your life. Is that sin/addiction worth it? Is it worth the pain and heartbreak it will cause you and your loved ones? You may say, oh this doesn’t cause trouble for anyone. But I assure you, if it is a sin, it is absolutely causing destruction, and you are fooled by the enemy just as the Pharisees were. The enemy is smooth and a crafty illusionist. Be careful.

Freedom from Sin

Although sin enslaves us, true freedom is found in Christ alone. Sin deceives by promising freedom when all it does is control and corrupt us. Those who don’t have faith in Christ are bound by sin, and subject not only to slavery, but to spiritual death. Those who find Christ, the one and only source of spiritual truth, will be truly set free. Many of us are being held back from experiencing true happiness, joy and peace because of the sin that is thriving in our lives. It is time to cut if off and get it out.

John 8:31 says, “If you abide in my word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

3 Steps to activate your Freedom

Remember, Scripture says in James 2:19-20 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, o foolish man, that faith without works is dead! False faith is one which results in no good works. The works do not save us, and there is no sense in which James requires works for salvation. But he points out that even demons have a sort of “faith” by believing that God exists. Faith which saves is faith which results in action.
If you would like to be set free from the bondage of your sin, apply the following: 
  1. Believe in God
  2. Serve Him
  3. Put your Faith into action. (When you read your scripture, actively apply it to your life.)
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.


Take a moment today. Pray to the Lord asking for Him to reveal to you any hidden sin in your life and the destruction it causes. Then examine your life, your speech, your actions, your habits, your likes, your dislikes, the things you enjoy. Do they line up with God’s will? Would He be pleased in all these areas of your life? God has given us all gifts, talents, and abilities, are we using them to glorify God? Are we Abiding in His word to learn from Him? What are we doing in Service to our Lord? Are we putting our faith into action? Are we applying Scripture to our daily life?

Prayerfully meditate on these questions today.
May the Lord lead and guide us into daily living that glorify Him. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!


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The God of Possible

The God of Possible

Before Service even began on Sunday, we heard the Lord speaking so loud and clear to us. He is the God of Possible. He spoke through the prayer, the word before worship, the worship, and through the words given after worship. All in one accord from many different members of the church, not organized by man, but organized by the Spirit of the living God.

He made it Possible!

We celebrated the fact that after 50 years of many Christian’s praying for this, it came to pass!! What a shock! Who would have thought, under this current administration, and the current opposition to living Godly lifestyles surrounding us (not only opposition but LOUD opposition), that this would be the time God would choose to answer those prayers.
For me, I hear a reminder from the Lord: No matter what circumstances look like on the outside, no matter what chaos, or trouble surrounds, God is in control. God will do as He wills. God is a God of Possible.
He takes what is old and can makes it new. What is forgotten and brings it to new discovery. He takes what is broken and declares it restored. So, today the Lord says to us all, it isn’t over. It isn’t finished, it is a new beginning. Whatever is old in your life and in need of a new start, pray to Him today. Dreams or visions that have been forgotten, bring them to him. Whatever is broken in your life today, pray to Him for restoration today, in the Name of Jesus.
Matthew 19:26 … with man, this is impossible, but WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

A reminder of His Might

We were reminded during the song service that our God is almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth. He set the stars in the sky. The Sun with all its might, its shear size and INTENSE heat gets tucked away each night to give us the coolness of night. (see picture below for a size comparison of the Earth and the Sun, and imagine how much smaller we are on that tiny Earth in comparison to that huge Sun!)
Think of lightening, as sporadic and uncontrolled it seems, only strikes where HE has intended. Amazing. The colors of the changing of the leaves, in their beauty, created by Him, by design. The fragrance of flowers and the beauty they bring, all created by Him, with such perfection and design. Amazing! He is in complete control of all that seems to be uncontrollable, He is Indescribable, uncontainable, AMAZING, All powerful, untamable, a truly amazing God.

He is a God of Miracles

If this wasn’t enough encouragement, the Holy Spirit summed up the day with a Word brought to us about Miracles. A reminder that He is a God of Miracles. -Though we shouldn’t be looking for a show or theatrics- He is the God who can do ALL THINGS, Nothing is impossible with God. -whatever it is that you are doubting His ability about, bring it to him, and He will show you. The message reminded us that although Jesus isn’t walking on the earth performing them, He is the commanding officer. And when He says a thing, It shall be done. (Luke 7:1-10). The man in those scriptures had faith that if Jesus said a thing, it was done. The Lord is our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. All that we have need of can be found in Him. Place your Hope in Him
Today, remember, there is nothing in your life that He cannot handle. There is nothing too out of control or too difficult for Him. He has a plan, He loves you and He cares for you. He is at work even when you don’t see it, even when you don’t feel it. Give your life over to Him, stay in connection with Him. Allow Him to lead and guide you (and be obedient). We learned Sunday, when we put ourselves in a right standing with the Lord, He will respond. When we surrender our will, our pride, our way of doing things to Him and submit, THEN He will respond with Miracles. Not theatrics, but real, true, meaningful, miracles.

The Waiting Period

The Waiting Period

Many times we find ourselves stuck in a waiting period. Not like a waiting room or waiting on something in the natural. But I mean, like waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled. Or You have asked God for something and you’re waiting on Him to act, or move or something–anything! It is easy to get overwhelmed, distracted and loose hope. Its easy to even give up. Don’t! Please don’t loose heart or give up on any promise from the Lord. He has a plan and He is working in and through your life even when  and where you would least expect it. 

The Story of Joseph

As we look at the story of Joseph, we can see how God had directed Joseph’s steps all through his life. (If you are unfamiliar with this story, go back and read it!) Over and over again the scripture says, “and the Lord was with Joseph.” Each new circumstance brought his way, the Lord was with Him, moving in and through the people all around him to bring him to the place God had destined for Him to be.
Joseph was given 2 dreams about his destiny (when he was about 17 years old) but it was over 20 years before he saw the fulfillment of those dreams. Wow! What did he do in those years in between? He experienced some hardship, more hardship then was given a reprieve in Potiphar’s house, then hardship again, a glimmer of hope-then left forgotten, then reprieve again in the palace, then the realization of his dream coming to pass. His family eventually came and bowed before him and needed His help. -I would imagine the 17 year old bay seeing that dream, was a very different Joseph, than the mature Joseph who witnessed the dream’s fulfillment. What happened in between? The waiting period.  

The waiting period for Joseph

In this story, Joseph had a long and hard waiting period. We don’t know what went on in his spirit during these years, but He had a lot of growing up to do in some very tough places. And when that happens, that is usually a time of refinement. We all know the analogies of: refining in the fire, pressing of the olives for oil, how time and pressure creates a diamond, and so on.. So too for us, the refining process is not usually easy, fun or comfortable. It is, in fact, quite the opposite. But as in the analogies mentioned above, the outcome is pure, it’s more refined, and it is beautiful.
I wonder, if Joseph hadn’t spent those years of waiting in those tough places, would He have been so kind to his family? After a betrayal like this and no time spent in the waiting period, in the refining period, I’m not sure He would have. Remember, he was the “favorite” child! He was going to be the spoiled one. He had the beautiful coat to prove it… No one else got a fancy coat… We all know kids who grow up spoiled don’t  always turn out to be the kindest…. haha But in His waiting, he was given all the “tools” he needed to grow into the person God destined Him to be. His character was refined in his waiting period. The outcome of the man he was molded and shaped into, was a man that he was used by God to save his family and the lives of many.   

God knows

The Lord knew what Joseph would have endure, where he needed to be placed, who he needed to be in contact with (or in a cell with). God knew -and still knows- it all! So today, take a look at your life, see your coworkers, your family, your home, your work, your surroundings. God also knew all you needed to endure. All those you needed and currently need to be in contact with. He knows the place you are in and the place you will need to be. All according to His design to accomplish His will in your life. Who can fight against that!?

He is Lord of it all, he knows your situation, He sees your hardship, and He knows the plans He has for you. He has purposefully placed you here for such a time as this. It may not look like much is happening in your eyes, but as scripture says, …know[ing] that the testing of your faith produces patience, and let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing… James 1:2-8

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thought that I think  toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

God is in control

Notice in the story, Joseph didn’t make these connections on His own. Situations arose, and God placed certain people in His path. Joseph just took what He was given and did the best he could with what He had. Be diligent, have integrity, commit your works to the Lord and  He will establish You.  

The Lord wants to remind you today of this promise in His word: Isaiah 42:16 I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them. And not forsake them.

Don’t give up

Trust in Him, don’t give up on Him. He has a plan, He is still at work in your life and He will never leave you or forsake you. The Lord is Your provider, your very present help in time of need. He can work all these things out for your good. Stay in connection with the Lord, pray, and hear his instructions, be obedient and He will bring you by a way you did not know. Because of Joseph’s obedience, he fulfilled the dreams he had at 17 years old. Don’t relent in your time of waiting, no matter how bleak it may seem. Remember Joseph was in prison for a false accusation of rape! The glimmer of hope he saw with His friends being called to the king was dimmed by being forgotten. God stepped in, in His perfect timing and changed his circumstances- Drastically! Literally from the lowest low- to the highest place in the palace.

Keep serving God, Keep in touch with Him and Keep preparing yourself for all that the Lord will do in your life and through your life. When He knows you are ready, He will place you up in your position of destiny. But in the waiting period keep serving, keep learning and keep growing.

Let’s Pray

Let’s pray, Thank You Jesus for ordering my steps. Thank You Lord, for knowing my past, present and future. Thank you for the plans you have for my life and your perfect process at work right now. I may not always like it but I will always surrender to all that you have in store for me and look for you in every area for my life. Thank You Lord for your goodness, your faithfulness, your mercy for when I fall and Your guidance to get me back up on my feet. Praise to Your name today and forever! Amen!
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