“You be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Tim. 4:5
(Check out that verse in a couple different bible versions.. its pretty awesome)
In the Scripture above, we are told to “Go! Fulfill your ministry! Fulfill the purpose for which you were created”. We all have a purpose to which we are called, and we have a circle of influence in our lives, we need to be influencing this circle in a positive way and bringing them into the fold of God.
Spiritual Ignorance
Recently, for our Easter program in a word I felt led to share with our congregation, I read a couple verses from scripture from the gospels. (You can find that Word here.) I shared the story of Jesus’ visit to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. As he entered he sobbed and felt deep sorrow for His people. His heart was for all of them to come to the knowledge of Him, His heart was to bring them peace, His heart was to comfort and protect them, but they were unwilling to accept Him and it broke His heart. He knew the consequences of their unwillingness, and He was deeply saddened for what they would have to endure because of their spiritual ignorance.
I believe God still feels the same way for the world today, saddened for our spiritual ignorance. Jesus died for you, and I, for our neighbors, our families, our enemies, our friends… Everyone. His desire is to have everyone of them saved. His desire is for their spiritual eyes and ears to be opened to hear and see what He is doing. But sadly many are spiritually deaf and blind.
Jesus wept
Scripture says that as Jesus was approaching the gates of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. (1 week before he was crucified) He saw the city and wept. The word wept means more than just tears running down His face, it’s the kind of cry that is felt in the gut and the body is involved. More like a deep sobbing and great sadness. Scripture says in the Gospel of Luke: “As he approached and saw the city, he wept for it, [and the spiritual ignorance of its people] saying, “If [only] you knew this day what would bring peace—but now [because of spiritual ignorance] it is hidden from your eyes. For the days will come on you when your enemies will build a barricade around you, surround you, and hem you in on every side. They will crush you and your children among you to the ground, and they will not leave one stone on another in your midst, because you did not recognize the time when God visited you.”
And in Matthew 23: 37-39
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who murders the prophets and stones [to death] those [messengers] who are sent to her [by God]! How often I wanted to gather your children together [around Me], as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Listen carefully: your house is being left to you desolate [completely abandoned by God and destitute of His protection]! For I say to you, you will not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed [to be celebrated with praise] is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’” (Which we know is His second coming and the time for Salvation will be too late)
The Warning
“But now because of spiritual ignorance it is hidden from your eyes” … “Your house is being left to you desolate [completely abandoned by God and destitute of His protection]” All because they “did not recognize the time when God visited you”. These words were meant for Israel in their time and they still have a spiritual blindness today. But for us today, The Lord is visiting us right now. If your reading this, it is not by accident. The Lord has something to say to you today! I believe this warning still rings true for any who do not heed it. We are meant to recognize Him when visits us. So, I beg of you, don’t be like those in scripture who did not recognize the time of their visitation, or those who were spiritually ignorant, or those who were unwilling to come to Jesus. If so, then the Holy Spirit will begin to hide His ways from your eyes, and be left without protection from the Most High God. Instead, let us be like those who are Spiritually awake and alive to Christ, who have the Holy Spirit within us moving and guiding us. And He will bring peace and protection into our lives. Many times throughout scripture it is said, “He who has an ear, let Him hear.” We want to be the ones who can hear out God and not be spiritually deaf to Him.
Fulfill Your Ministry
In our recent Easter program (transcript here) we had a pretty concise message:
If you’re not saved, get saved and all the promises of God are for you. If you are saved, get busy about your Fathers business and stop allowing the enemy to push you around. Jesus died for you to live an abundant life. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. In the program mentioned above, we put more emphasis on what Jesus’ death on the cross accomplishes for the believer today. For us, we have access to all the promises God lays out in His word.
Did you know?
God has promises for you?
Jesus makes available gifts for you today?
He leaves you with weapons to fight with?
There is a purpose for which you were created?
You have talents and abilities that God gave you for a specific reason?
Jesus makes available gifts for you today?
He leaves you with weapons to fight with?
There is a purpose for which you were created?
You have talents and abilities that God gave you for a specific reason?
Dig into His word today, and seek the Lord for answers to these questions! Happy Reading, and Go out and fulfill your ministry!
Reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns or need any prayer. We would love to hear from you.
Also, you can reach out to us on our facebook page.
Also, you can reach out to us on our facebook page.