Honey in the Carcass

Sunday’s Review
Sunday’s sermon was a good one! Johnson brought to us a question and a challenge; to look into our lives and ask ourselves, “Is there something that I am actively participating in, that will ultimately cause destruction in my life?” “Do I indulge in anything that may not be pleasing to God?
Samson, Honey in the Carcass
In the story of Samson, he was set apart by God. Even while he was in the womb God had given his mother instructions not to partake in alcohol while pregnant with Him. God set him apart as a Nazarite.
Nazarite Vow
Numbers 6:3-7 tells us that one who is set apart as a Nazarite was to abstain from wine or any fermented drink, nor was the Nazirite to drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins, not even the seeds or skins. Next, the Nazarite was not to cut his hair. Last, he was not to go near a dead body, because that would make him ceremonially unclean.
Sin gives birth to death
Samson didn’t follow any of the rules that God gave Him. Planted into his life, were seeds of sin. Those seeds of sin would later birth destruction. Johnson used one part of the Samson story in particular as an example for us all. We know as mentioned above, that Samson being a Nazarite wasn’t supposed to go near a corpse. However, Samson not only went near one, but he went up to a dead lion’s corpse and saw a honey bee’s nest. He then decided to take a handful of honey out of the corpse and have a snack.
**Side note** He even took some home to his parents to enjoy as well… Mmmm Honey out of a corpse….
-ummmmm, if my son ever!!!! …. YUCK!**
-ummmmm, if my son ever!!!! …. YUCK!**
Are we dipping our hands in the honey in the carcass?
However disgusting this may sound, we can apply this same act to us today. Johnson asked us Sunday, “What are we dipping our hands into that we shouldn’t? What sin are we enjoying the tasty delights of? What are we doing that is displeasing to the Lord, yet we are enjoying?” Remember, scripture says there is fun in sin but only for a season. Soon it will conceive within us- just as it did for Samson, death and destruction.
The Lord gives us warning and brings attention to things in our lives to save us from the trouble that is to come. The wages of sin is death. Read that again. Sin unchecked, brings forth death. The death of eternal separation from God.
Sin gives birth to death
The Bible explains it this way in James 1:14-15 …each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death. The process starts by an enticing and drawing away by our own evil desires. James illustrates sin to us poetically and symbolically as:
An implantation (temptation and enticing by our evil desires)
A conceiving (the decision to act on our evil desire)
Then a birth (the act of Sinning)..
Birth fully grown ( the process of nurturing, allowing Sin to grow)
The final result is death (eternal separation from God).
A conceiving (the decision to act on our evil desire)
Then a birth (the act of Sinning)..
Birth fully grown ( the process of nurturing, allowing Sin to grow)
The final result is death (eternal separation from God).
Are we dipping our hands in the honey in the carcass?
Let us consider our routines, habits, indulgences. Is there anything we are hiding? Are we holding onto anything that is not pleasing to God? Pray to Him today to reveal anything that is birthing destruction into our lives, so that we may correct it and live lives free from the destruction of Sin.
Let’s Pray:
Thank You Lord, for your correction. For your mercy that you would stop me in my tracks and bring correction to my path. Thank You for your grace, that you have covered all my sins. For your love that you would leave the 99 and reach out to me, a sinner, and desire to bring me into your flock. Thank You for never giving up on me. Lord, open my eyes to see if there is any wicked way in me. Bring me into full submission to Your Word. Give me direction as to how to correct my path and wisdom on how to implement new habits that bring me closer to You.
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.