The God of Possible
Before Service even began on Sunday, we heard the Lord speaking so loud and clear to us. He is the God of Possible. He spoke through the prayer, the word before worship, the worship, and through the words given after worship. All in one accord from many different members of the church, not organized by man, but organized by the Spirit of the living God.
He made it Possible!
We celebrated the fact that after 50 years of many Christian’s praying for this, it came to pass!! What a shock! Who would have thought, under this current administration, and the current opposition to living Godly lifestyles surrounding us (not only opposition but LOUD opposition), that this would be the time God would choose to answer those prayers.
For me, I hear a reminder from the Lord: No matter what circumstances look like on the outside, no matter what chaos, or trouble surrounds, God is in control. God will do as He wills. God is a God of Possible.
He takes what is old and can makes it new. What is forgotten and brings it to new discovery. He takes what is broken and declares it restored. So, today the Lord says to us all, it isn’t over. It isn’t finished, it is a new beginning. Whatever is old in your life and in need of a new start, pray to Him today. Dreams or visions that have been forgotten, bring them to him. Whatever is broken in your life today, pray to Him for restoration today, in the Name of Jesus.
Matthew 19:26 … with man, this is impossible, but WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
Matthew 19:26 … with man, this is impossible, but WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
A reminder of His Might
We were reminded during the song service that our God is almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth. He set the stars in the sky. The Sun with all its might, its shear size and INTENSE heat gets tucked away each night to give us the coolness of night. (see picture below for a size comparison of the Earth and the Sun, and imagine how much smaller we are on that tiny Earth in comparison to that huge Sun!)
Think of lightening, as sporadic and uncontrolled it seems, only strikes where HE has intended. Amazing. The colors of the changing of the leaves, in their beauty, created by Him, by design. The fragrance of flowers and the beauty they bring, all created by Him, with such perfection and design. Amazing! He is in complete control of all that seems to be uncontrollable, He is Indescribable, uncontainable, AMAZING, All powerful, untamable, a truly amazing God.

He is a God of Miracles
If this wasn’t enough encouragement, the Holy Spirit summed up the day with a Word brought to us about Miracles. A reminder that He is a God of Miracles. -Though we shouldn’t be looking for a show or theatrics- He is the God who can do ALL THINGS, Nothing is impossible with God. -whatever it is that you are doubting His ability about, bring it to him, and He will show you. The message reminded us that although Jesus isn’t walking on the earth performing them, He is the commanding officer. And when He says a thing, It shall be done. (Luke 7:1-10). The man in those scriptures had faith that if Jesus said a thing, it was done. The Lord is our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. All that we have need of can be found in Him. Place your Hope in Him
Today, remember, there is nothing in your life that He cannot handle. There is nothing too out of control or too difficult for Him. He has a plan, He loves you and He cares for you. He is at work even when you don’t see it, even when you don’t feel it. Give your life over to Him, stay in connection with Him. Allow Him to lead and guide you (and be obedient). We learned Sunday, when we put ourselves in a right standing with the Lord, He will respond. When we surrender our will, our pride, our way of doing things to Him and submit, THEN He will respond with Miracles. Not theatrics, but real, true, meaningful, miracles.
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Prayer Request’s: Click here to send us your prayer requests, we would love to pray for you!
Prayer Request’s: Click here to send us your prayer requests, we would love to pray for you!