Time with God is Time well spent
“There’s no secret to that,” Graham said. “God doesn’t hide the key from us. The Bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to search the Scriptures. And I do that.”
“You pray without ceasing?”
“I do.” Jenkins made a point of saying Graham answered all his questions with an air of pure humility. Billy added that he had done this every waking moment since he received Christ as a teenager. “I’m praying right now as I’m talking to you. Praying that God will use this book (his memoir), that it will be clear that it’s more about Him than about me, praying that we’ll both do our jobs well and that He will get the glory.”
Mr. Graham also talked about reading the Bible frequently throughout the day.
“Say you miss a day or two,” Jenkins said. “How do you get back to your routine?”
“Miss a day or two? I don’t think I’ve ever done that.”
“You never miss?
“I told you. This is my spiritual food. I would no more miss this than a regular meal.”
Is it any wonder that God’s hand has been on Graham in such a powerful, effective way?
Like me, you may not be on a level with Billy Graham. But by God’s grace, we can all strive to follow Jesus more consistently.
The importance of the Word of God
“I would no more miss this than a regular meal.” Wow, think for a moment, the importance the Word of God held in this man’s life. Now imagine if we, the entire Body of Christ held the Word of God in this esteem in our own lives. An utterly astounding possibility. Think if just those of us in Word of Faith held the Word of God to this esteem in our lives!? What a beautiful service we would have. Can you imagine the joy of coming to the House of the Lord for worship with a group of people so on Fire for God and His Word!? -Well it starts with You and Me.
The Importance of our Relationship with Christ
On Sunday, dad shared the importance of building our relationship with Christ. He mentioned how we need to work on getting out of religious acts we are involved in and get into a serious, meaningful relationship with Him. God doesn’t want acts of religion from us simply attending church on Sunday’s, or praying every night before bed, or whatever else we think will win His approval. He wants us to BE the Church, come in on Sunday’s and spend time in His presence at His feet. Praying to Him for wisdom and guidance, for healing and restoration. We don’t need to clean up, shape up and dress ourselves up on the outside to be good enough for Him. He loves us and calls us just as we are. We only need to have a heart that is submissive to His leading and He will work out the rest.
God wants to speak to you today
God wants to talk to you. He has things He wants to tell His body – to tell YOU. It is His delight and pleasure to help, lead, and protect us. If we can get in a close relationship with Him, we will hear His direction and be better able to stand against the wiles of the enemy that seeks to destroy us.
How will you spend your time?
Once you see what God is doing in your life, please reach out to us and let us know! We are excited to see God move in the lives of His people. Share with us so we can celebrate with you! Share with us on Facebook or send us an email at Wordoffaithms@gmail.com. Listen to the Sermon that inspired this devotion here.