Work out your Salvation
As a parent I am always looking for opportunities to remind my children they must be obedient and act in away that is expected of them whether or not I am present with them. I tell them, “you know what is right and what is wrong”. “I expect you to behave even when I’m not looking”. This is what I hear when reading Philippians 2:12-16
Philippians 2:12-16
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
Here, Paul is encouraging the church in Philippi, ‘you have always done well to obey the word of God, not only when I am there watching and correcting you, but even when I am gone. “great job kids! You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you”
Work out your salvation
Then He goes on to encourage them more, “work out your salvation” with “fear and trembling”
“work out your salvation: they were not being called upon to produce for themselves salvation, but instead to develop and cultivate their God-given salvation. Keep it, protect it, nurture it, produce and keep an environment for it to grow and become fruitful. To work to bring it to completion or fruition.
We do this by actively pursuing obedience in the process of sanctification. Pressing on toward to goal of Christlikeness.
With fear and trembling
“fear and trembling” rather than meaning be fearful full of worry and anxiety, can equally mean “reverence” or “respect” or with great humility and respect. Keeping ourselves mindful of the great and awesome nature the gift of salvation is to us. “trembling” is the attitude Christians are to have in pursuing this goal—a healthy fear of offending God through disobedience and a respect and reverence for His majesty and holiness. This trembling could also refer to the recognition of our weakness in comparison to His might, and recognition of our dependency on God.
All Glory to God
“for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.” – All glory is given to God who enables us to even will to do good. As well as do the good that He has placed in our hearts to will to do. Paul points out that any good that we will to do is a gift from God, it is the Holy Spirit within us that places good and pleasing desires within out hearts. It is the gift of God that we can accomplish these good and pleasing desires. We are not able to accomplish it on our own.
Let’s Pray
Thank You Holy Spirit for being the guiding force within my heart, placing within me desires to live a life that is pleasing to you. Thank You Lord for giving me strength, determination and resilience to accomplish the will you have placed within my heart. Lord I ask for you to continue to place within my heart desires to please you. Desires to read your word and to provide all I need to successfully accomplish these desires. To act out, perform, DO what you have called me to do. Enable me Lord to work for you! Enable me Lord, in this process of sanctification as I draw closer and closer to You. Strengthen me Lord. Thank You Father for your faithfulness to me, Bless this life of mine, let it be set apart as Holy for you and to accomplish all your good purposes.